Free Art For All - Watercolor Basics - Color Wheel Theory

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This lesson will examine how to make a color wheel that fits your needs. It will explain your need to buy additional colors of paint and then how to adapt your palette.  This knowledge will help you make the most economical purchases of paints.


  1. Refer to the color wheel you created in earlier turorials. 
  2. I used Daniel Smith Paints in Cad. Yellow Deep, Green Appetite Genuine, Pthalo Blue, Amethyst Genuine, Perelyn Red, Quinacridone Sienna.  (But these colors were from my palette and you are using the colors you want in your palette)
  3. Watercolor brush size 10 round
  4. Water
  5. Strathmore watercolor paper


  1. Refer to earlier tutorial about how to draw your color wheel
  2. Paint your primary colors;  Red, Yellow, Blue
  3. Mix your secondary colors from your chosen primary colors; Green, Purple, Orange (Do not get these colors from a tube or pan of watercolor)
  4. Mix the 2 colors in between the primary and secondary colors.
  5. Look though your paints and see if you have the secondary color in a tube or pan.  Make sure this step is done.

Step 5 is your end result today.  When you paint your paintings it is easier if you have a tube of the color rather than mixing it over and over.  Color harmony is one way your paintings will be successful.  Therefore, the secondary colors that you have mixed should be available to you in a tube.  It will save time and frustration.  By understanding your color wheel you know what the paints will do when mixed with each other before you apply it to your painting.  

We ended the video by playing with the left over paint.  I showed you how to play with the intent to learn without an expected outcome.  The pressure to perform has been taken away and we all learn through play.  Enjoy your watercolors.  We will periodically use watercolors in future videos.  We welcome your questions, frustrations, success and failures it helps us gear these instructional videos to your needs.